Hello, I'm

Nayan Sayaji

Front-End Developer

Welcome to my Developer Portfolio!
I'm a passionate coder who brings web designs to life through clean and efficient code.

Let's Talk

My Intro

About Me

Hello there! I'm Nayan, a dedicated developer with a passion for problem-solving and web development.
With a strong foundation in problem-solving, I approach coding puzzles with enthusiasm, breaking them down into manageable tasks to deliver efficient and effective solutions.
Now I'm working and learning Full Stack Development with the tech stack ReactJs, NodeJs, Express and MongoDB.

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Favorite Skills

My Skills

See fully what skills I have and perform, to develop the projects on this skills

See Projects
  1. C
  2. C++
  3. Problem Solving
  4. DSA
  5. HTML5
  6. CSS3
  7. JavaScript [ ES 6 ]
  1. Git
  2. GitHub
  3. Node
  4. Express
  5. EJS
  6. TailWind
  7. Bootstrap

My work

What I Do

Frontend Web Developer

As a frontend developer, I offer a comprehensive range of services to bring your web projects to life. With expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks like React. I am dedicated to delivering high-quality and engaging web solutions tailored to your specific needs.

My Jobs

Recent Projects

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